Changeable Cafe Signs
Most of our customers have utilized a changeable cafe sign. Whether they used it roadside, curbside or on their sidewalk each cafe sign is the next to the last chance to ask for a sale. (The last being your front door which should be used to upsell as the customer is already walking in). Cafe signs are reusable, so after a year of selling your promotions, they are ready for next year. They are easy filled with a few pounds of play sand (fine grain) to handle most wind loads. Any price or price changes can be made by you, when we send so vinyl updates. "Nothing is final with vinyl". Cafe signs work 24/7. Add reflective to your roadside cafe sign and it works great at night. Cafe signs are cheaper than paying an employee to stand outside and hold a sign, but if you want to do that - we make those signs too.