Thanks and where to next…
A big shout out and thank you to all my repeat sign customers, even the one and done customers. I have enjoyed making your hard working signs for almost 40 years. These days I still service a handful of sign and graphic customers needs. In season you’ll find me most days driving a golf cart with a bucket of tools and TeeRific signs around the area’s golf courses. Thanks to the golf courses for trusting me with their needs and even for my big key chain of universal golf cart keys.
After all these years, I’m still enjoying doing this TeeRific thing, but as you can understand, I’m doing it a little less on purpose.
I’m making more time for family, writing, songwriting, guitar, drawing, painting, gardening, walking, biking, hiking, traveling and living.
Life is imitating work, it’s TeeRific. - Tomm
To reach me, call 315-794-8666
After 40 years, I am not taking on any new sign customers. I am only doing TeeRific Signs and a handful of regular customers that I’ve had for over 30 years. I like what I do, but am doing it a little less. And while I do close for the Winter Season, I do take calls and emails and occasionally can be found on the phone firming up Spring TeeRific advertising needs. Thank you - Tomm

Custom Vehicle Lettering
Whether it’s business or pleasure, I have prided myself in giving my customers the maximum bang for their buck when it comes to vehicle lettering. I have made every vehicle an extremely readable rolling billboard and helped my customers build their brands at the same time. I have worked with customers to determine whether cut vinyls, large format printed vinyls (wraps) or a combination of the two are best for their needs. I have measured and photographed all vehicles beforehand (available templates aren't always accurate) then designed and created scaled renderings for proofing and customer acceptance. I stock the entire 3M 220 series high performance vinyl color palette, including all reflectives. (I like color). All production is in-house. Yes, I still use my brushes and hand letter on occasion. Customers weren’t afraid to ask for fast turn around when it came to vehicle lettering. I understood that their vehicles don't make money while being lettered, they needed to be working for them instead. In addition to me applying the graphics, if they chose to install themselves, I sent them ready to apply graphics along with my instructions and tips and links to my how to videos. My process has worked effectively for over 36 years.